CLOUDIFY EVERYTHING®: Enabling Enterprises with Their Cloud Transformation Journey

Digital IT Operations

June 18, 2019

What does ‘CLOUDIFY EVERYTHING®‘ mean to us? Standing at the crossroads of digital transformation across all the industries, adopting Cloud as a focused strategy was an impending move. But how will Hexaware help customers maximize their benefits through Cloud?

Today, it is important for an organization to be updated as there is a growing need for them to be able to respond to changing demands quickly, to be agile, scalable, cost effective, and provide an enhanced end user experience altogether. Cloud has the potential to deliver all these benefits and more.

When we think of Cloud, we think of building new capabilities. Cloud is no longer just a simple and cheap compute and storage platform; it is a powerful ecosystem of new capabilities and keeps on growing every day. Let me give you an example of a solution that we are building for a manufacturing client, where automation helped in enhancing a business-critical activity through visual recognition. Where in the past manual processes, a watchman in front of a small TV screen was needed, now Azure capabilities like Deep Learning and Cognitive Services drive an automated analysis that not only triggers safety alarms but also tracks inventory levels and the whereabouts of tools and equipment. Something that the watchman was unable to do.

To reap the benefits of digital transformation, we help to bring about a culture change, which is extremely necessary. Driving agile models, DevOps and Cloud into an organization impacts the organization and each individual. New requirements and models of collaboration emerge, and the classic technology driven silo approach does not work anymore. Cloud is a reality and forcing an old model on new capabilities limits the benefits. While Cloud should not be treated as an exotic utility, rather a commodity, it is also important to understand the implications of Cloud usage. The architecture is driven in layers from business process, through data to application and infrastructure. Re-evaluate your architecture with this in mind for e.g. evaluate whether SaaS can be used for standardized tasks that are not business differentiators. Consume Cloud capabilities to incorporate enhanced functionalities such as machine learning, chatbots, VR etc. and finally, build new and resilient applications where there is a benefit to the business using Cloud.

A lot of companies have been structured in silos – applications and infrastructure were traditionally built, deployed and operated separately. And the existence of these silos hampered the momentum towards change. We aim to break these silos using Cloud as the foundation.

Embracing the cloud - Journeying to cloud - Living on the Cloud

The journey to Cloud is part of a broader digital journey. We will work with you to drive both the bigger digitalization picture as a composition of our key strategies – AUTOMATE EVERYTHING®, CLOUDIFY EVERYTHING®, TRANSFORM CUSTOMER EXPERIENCES® – and the Cloud specific journey through assessments and discovery, best practice playbooks and state-of-the-art accelerators. This enables us to support the different paths to the Cloud, ranging from workload migration to the creation of Cloud native applications and, usually forgotten, the operational challenges once you are in the Cloud partly or fully.

Author Bio:

Swati Singh
Product Manager, Cloudify Everything
Hexaware Technologies Ltd.

About the Author

Swati Singh

Swati Singh

Product Manager, CLOUDIFY EVERYTHING® Hexaware Technologies Ltd.

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