Why, What & How to Automate? Learn More About AUTOMATE EVERYTHING®

Learn the benefits of automating almost everything in your organization for unmatched business success.


The last few years of automation were dedicated to helping humans with high volume, repetitive, low complexity tasks that do not require major human intervention or decision making. As the world advanced technologically, the role of automation also became stronger. Most organizations are undertaking Artificial Intelligence (AL) and Machine Learning (ML) – some with mature objectives and execution plans and others with an idea of experimentation.

Women doing multiple things manually

Already 77% of the devices we use feature one form of AI or another
Source: Techjury

Marketing automation on average drives up to 14.5% increase in sales productivity and a 12.2% reduction in marketing overhead
Source: invespcro.com

More than 40% of enterprises will create state-of-the-art digital workers by combining AI with Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Source: Forbes

More than 30% of global Shared Services have implemented robotic automation; 44% are in the planning and testing phase.
Source: ssonetwork.com

14.2 billion connected things will be in use in 2019, and that the total will reach 25 billion by 2021, producing immense volume of data.
Source: ssonetwork.com


Needless to say, the march of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, augmented reality, etc. are changing the business landscape.

This blog will give you insights on why automation is essential in this digital era, what all can be automated to boost business growth, and how automation can be leveraged effectively and efficiently. We will also take you through Hexaware’s AUTOMATE EVERYTHING® strategy which is one of the strongest pillars of customer experience transformation.

Why Automate?

To Save Time, Cost, Efforts and a lot more…

Automation is all around us and is a crucial aspect of our organization and lives. Technology lets people automate pretty much everything—from manufacturing, to tweets, to space exploration. How it benefits us can be directly linked to its implementation process.

Automation offers scalable benefits to modern enterprise. It simplifies human activities and reduces operational costs in the long run. A business of any size and nature can automate its processes and improve performance significantly.

One should automate to:

  • Gain speed, momentum and velocity
  • Schedule tasks and enhance workflow efficiencies
  • Reduce monotonous tasks
  • Keep system admins and developers happy
  • Increase employee productivity
  • Save considerable costs, and lastly,
  • Accelerate ongoing business development

This task is talking a lot of time. why don't I write a program to automate it?
What to Automate?


The answer to this depends on how automation can transform your organization and affect your short-term and long-term goals.

If your organization focusses on a full-scale customer experience revolution, then we would recommend automating almost everything, as it will bring remarkable transformation in the way you operate, thereby impacting results.

Automating everything is primarily about imbibing the culture of automation in the organization’s roots. The idea is to create robust automated solutions for enabling enterprises to provide better customer experiences while meeting business needs. This approach helps companies with comprehensive automated solutions so that the organization’s productivity and efficiency are at its optimum level.

Hexaware has a unique and integrated view on how we approach automation. We see automation as an increasingly crucial component of every aspect of any organization including Customer Experience, Infrastructure, Business Processes, Application, Testing, and Data; but the activities that are automated, the tools and technologies used, the process that you should follow in implementing automation, and the synergies that you will reap varies from aspect to aspect.

Hexaware's Automation approach

Data: Entering data manually would be a repetitive task and would require huge amount of resources. Furthermore, this task is not the most engaging one, hence the chances of human error increases. Not to forget, automating data processes also saves time.

Testing: Fast-paced software development environments can create time and cost constraints that make it difficult to thoroughly test an application prior to its release. If defects slip undetected into the production environment, the result can be customer dissatisfaction and increased maintenance costs. Thus, test automation makes sense to execute more tests in less time, in an error-free and cost-effective manner.

Infrastructure: Automation opens the door for developers to rapidly provision new environments. For example, let’s say you’re a developer, and you need a new web server. Normally, you’d have to send out a request and three days later you’d finally get a new VM-ware server. But with the advent of automation, you can get your server up in minutes, not days.

Application: Today’s application service teams require automated tools that understand the architecture and logic inherent in the applications they service. You should consider automating applications to centrally and accurately control application changes.

Business: Business process automation is very quickly becoming a highly strategic enabler of business control and agility and a very important tool in the CIO’s kitbag. As the demand increases for businesses to perform complex, labor-intensive tasks, the goal is to automate as many manual processes as possible.

Customer Experience: With automation assisting in elevating the customer experience, companies can now focus on more high-touch interactions with customers and use technology like Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to understand the customer behavior. Automation helps resolve problems instantly for customers whenever they require help and also involves fewer resources from companies to accomplish relatively simple tasks.

How to Automate with Hexaware?

Our Direction to Automation

Nearly half the automation projects that fail are because of wrong process choices. This makes it important to contemplate about how to automate and what to consider in the planning, execution and delivery of automation projects for effective results.

We believe that while humans are not replaceable, there is scope for a continuous process of augmenting the capability of humans using technology.

Hexaware’s strategy to AUTOMATE EVERYTHING® stems from a comprehensive top-down view, starting from customer experience, moving onto underlying business processes and their applications and ending with the infrastructure that empowers them. The automation solution that we offer is infused with self-healing application management along with fully automated infrastructure and operations management. Ultimately resulting in lowered costs, minimal human intervention and dramatically improved end-user experience. Let’s explore how different aspects of your organization can be automated by assessing some case studies.

Automation for Seamless Data Management

RPA and data management make a particularly compelling combination. Data management includes numerous repetitive tasks in aggregation and curation that can benefit from automation. Applying RPA to large data repositories makes tasks such as data cleansing, normalization, data wrangling, and creation or updating of metadata more efficient.

Case: Company A seeks help with managing loads of information!

Business challenge: The organization was expected to have the ability to dive deep in the oceans of fragmented data and bring them up rapidly for decision making. They are aware of the game-changing potential of Big Data, but its adoption has several complexities. What will they do?

Solution: Hexaware’s Big Leap can quickly help align the big data projects of the organization with their business goals while complementing his correct maturity levels in terms of adoption of Big Data. They can leverage what they currently have and do lots more with this solution to leverage the rapid value that Big Data provides.

Automation for Hassle-free Testing!

Better development process begins with a better testing process. Test automation is crucial to have better accuracy and speed. However, the task of interpreting requirements in myriad forms and creating intelligent, yet optimal test design can be a challenge.

Case: Company B wants to Go Digital with Complete Test Automation solution

Business challenge: Company B spent a lot of time and effort in interpreting, designing and documenting detailed test cases and scenarios. Also, the traditional test automation solutions focused on automating only the text execution phase that is scripting and executing the test design.

Solution: With our Integrated Design2Execution (iD2E) offering, we automated the entire testing lifecycle, from test case design and scripting to test execution and defect logging. It delivered 60% faster time to market, reduced costs by 40%, and increased manageability by 50%. Click here to know more about Hexaware’s iD2E offering

Hexaware also provides test automation solutions like tools for RPA bots, Predictive Test Analytics Platform (PTAP), accelerators for SAP/PS/WD, API Testing framework, and automated framework for chatbot testing.

Automation for Faster & Efficient Infrastructure Management:

Changes at workplace are inevitable, either to external or internal systems, given the fast pace of digital disruption. Many organizations are implementing infrastructure automation to save time, eliminate variability, and reduce costs.

Case: Company C wants to transform its IT landscape

Business challenge: The organization wanted to align IT to business strategy and outsource it so that they can focus on the core business.

Solution: We implemented our proprietary Tensai® for AIOps solution and achieved more than 30% cost reduction. IT became agile, flexible and scalable and a power enabler in the client’s fast track integration of acquired real-estate assets into the existing business. Click here to know more about Tensai® for AIOps.

Another unique Infrastructure Management offering from Hexaware is Digital Workplace. It is powered through extreme automation and analytics engine to provide a scalable model, leading to higher productivity and consequently value-driven cost reduction.

Extreme automation is a unique way of ensuring IT to deliver value to users by making itself virtually invisible and at the same time delivering value to the business by significantly bringing support costs down by up to 70%.

Automation for Simplifying Application Development, Support & Maintenance:

The expectations from application support will keep increasing as customers disseminate across diverse channels, devices and customs. Where organizations are deploying fast-moving products over mobile apps, IoT, sensors, and cloud, the legacy backend systems will demand accelerated pace of Application Support environment.

Case: Company D wanted to implement an Enterprise Wide Integration Platform

Business Challenge: The company wanted to seamlessly add multiple Central Reservation Systems (CRS) to its existing Property Management System (PMS) to grow the business. They also wanted to simplify the build and deploy process.

Solution: Hexaware’s Next Gen Application Support and Maintenance solution helped with 33% Faster integration for any new PMS implementation, 50% Faster deployment using components of DevOps and CICD, 200% Increase in portal hits, $1.2Mn Cost Savings, and a lot more. Know more about Next Gen ASM. Click here to know more about Hexaware’s Next Gen ASM service.

Another unique offering by Hexaware is Big Data Testing Solution – Jumbo. Jumbo is a business intelligence and analytics offering and a testing solution that has been designed to address various big data challenges. It can process huge amount of data in no time, automate testing efforts for data comparison, test across heterogeneous data, etc. Click here to know more about Hexaware’s Jumbo – Big Data Testing

Automation for Unmatched Business Growth:

Automating business processes helps in delivering high quality products and better customer service results consistently. It allows you to get more done in the same amount of time, greatly increases productivity, allows metrics visibility for taking essential decisions, improves operational efficiency, helps to comply with government policies, enhances reliability, reduces turnaround time, and saves cost.

Case: Company E wants to thrive in this Digital Era

Business Challenge: CIO of an insurance company was burdened to modernize their policy administration systems to engage with the new age customers. He wanted answers for how to connect through new channels, how to handle new IOT devices in the future, how to quickly create new products to address market whitespaces, and a lot more.

Solution: Hexaware enabled Digital Transformation for Insurers by building and managing APIs as the essential digital fabric. Click here to know more about Hexaware’s Digital Managed Services.

Automation for Humanizing Customer Experience:

There is a growing trend towards customer service automation as virtual assistants and chatbots integrate more conversational, human-like capabilities through language processing engines and machine learning. But when a virtual agent tool doesn’t know the answer to a customer question, it can make the customer feel misguided, leading to frustration and confusion. The need of the hour is to create a unique and memorable customer experience.

Case: Company F wanted to Transform Digitally to Improve Customer Experience!

Business Challenge: Company F wanted to accelerate new customer acquisition & retain existing customers by providing multi-channel digital customer experience.

Solution: We developed a modern booking tool that works on all platforms, both desktop and mobile, is performant, easy to use, resulting in 30% increase in customer base through mobile channel in the very first year of going operational. Click here to know more about our Digital Customer Experience Solutions.

AUTOMATE EVERYTHING® because waste of time, human efforts & efficiency are too precious to ignore.

How many times have you said to yourself: Oh man, I wish I had a way to do this faster and with a lower margin of error than doing it manually?

Hexaware believes that because time is precious, we can always automate some tasks and involve ourselves in more evolved work. If you want to increase your enterprise’s productivity, automating everything is essential from development to software testing and going in production to finally taking it to the market. Now that we know the significance of automation, isn’t it about time we AUTOMATE EVERYTHING® and optimize the efficiency and performance of our businesses?

Click here know more about one of Hexaware’s growth strategy,  ‘AUTOMATE EVERYTHING®

Click here to read some of our more interesting case studies

To know more about our strategic offering – Hexaware’s Intelligent Process Automation Service (HiPAS) – Click here.

Contact us to understand how automating everything can really work for you!

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