Escape the Tangles in Database Management, Start using Amaze® for Automated Cloud Migration


October 29, 2021

Oracle and MS SQL Server are the leading RDBMS databases used in most of the existing applications. Being powerful databases, these are used extensively in most on-premises applications. Even in the cloud era where cloud migration has become a lifesaver for most legacy applications, Oracle and MS SQL Server are supported by all the leading cloud PaaS providers like AWS, Azure, GCP, etc. Though Oracle and MS SQL Server fit into the cloud platform, Postgres database scores much better in terms of cost efficiency when it comes to cloud transformation. Thus, you can realize a much higher TCO reduction when migrating your database to Postgres while performing cloud transformation of your monolith to any leading PaaS provider.

Let us check how Hexaware’s amaze® for Database can contribute to rapid and cost-efficient cloud migration of the application database along with its data access layer from the respective Oracle or MS SQL Server to Postgres.

Database Cloud Replatform Readiness

Amaze® for Database has two sections – database assessment workbench and database replatforming workbench. The database assessment workbench is a tool to analyze the source database or input DDL statements against the target database and calculate the replatform readiness of the source.

The amaze® for Database assessment engine generates an HTML report with complete details of the application source snapshot and the underlying database details with various database objects inventory, like the number of respective objects and LoC details in graphical representations. It also displays the object details like object type, name, LoC, etc.

Amaze® for Database assessment is also capable of identifying blockers in the application data access layer, like the database connection string or any dynamic SQL based on the existing database that should be altered to enable integration with the target database i.e., Postgres.

Automated Database Replatforming

Amaze® for Database replatforming workbench is equipped with a replatforming engine. The engine can not only generate DDL statements of the source database, but also read the input DDL scripts. The replatforming blockers in the DDL scripts are automatically converted to the corresponding Postgres keywords. The migrated DDL scripts are written separately in the output folder. A cumulative SQL file is generated and comprises of all the migrated scripts.

Eventually, there are two reports generated in this process. In the course of cloud replatforming, the migrated percentage achieved through the amaze® replatforming engine is calculated for each database object. This is used to generate an HTML report that depicts the conversion code and storage statistics, like the percent of respective objects automatically converted, objects with simple actions, objects with medium-complexity actions, and objects with significant actions. It also generates conversion statistics for database storage objects with respective percent of objects automatically converted, etc.

Excel report is generated displaying the inventory of the source and target databases objects details. For the tables, this report drills down to the column level and highlights the data-type conversion that has been achieved between the source and the selected target databases.

Unique Features

Amaze® for Database is backed by a powerful report generation logic that helps an end user to identify the blockers in the replatforming journey and an estimation to achieve the replatforming. The DDL statements of each database object are highlighted with the blockers to facilitate fixing of the respective SQL. These must be converted to be compatible with the Postgres database.

In the Oracle or MS SQL Server to Postgres database cloud replatforming, the package members are extracted and are migrated to Postgres database DDL scripts. Amaze® for Database is a unique product that removes all the respective database dependencies and works seamlessly with the new Postgres PaaS DB. Amaze® achieves this replatforming with more than 70 percent automation.

Use Cases

Amaze® for Database has migrated on-premises databases to Postgres successfully for various customer applications databases. One of the US leading financial institutions has been relying extensively on amaze® for Database for cloud transformation of their applications. One of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies has started using amaze® for Database to migrate its on-premises Oracle database to Postgres PaaS DB.

A leading independent assurance, tax, and advisory firm used amaze® for Database to get its on-premises MS SQL Server database migrated to Postgres PaaS DB. These organizations are benefited in a way that these cloud migrations are more than 70 percent automated.

About the Author

Balakrishnan R

Balakrishnan R

Balakrishnan R works with Hexaware as a System Analyst with Hexaware’s ATM amaze® Practice. He is responsible for developing and maintaining the amaze® DB Re-platforming engine and amaze® DB Assessment engine. In his current role, he is also responsible for enabling customers across the globe to modernize their legacy databases. His areas of expertise include Microservice development, Spring Boot and AWS.

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