Aren’t Automation and the Cloud made for each other?


September 15, 2020

Importance of Automation in Cloud Migration

Cloud computing today is synonymous with holistic business transformation across industries. Enterprises of all sizes that were a bit hesitant to move towards the cloud paradigm because of perceived risks have gone through a learning curve and become adopters and evangelists. Faster revenue growth, greater and sustainable cost reduction and the opportunity to leverage the easy availability of on-demand, inexpensive, self-service capabilities of the cloud have helped accelerate this mindset change. In toto, the definitive value proposition of business agility that can drive key revenue growth and reduce costs makes the economics of the cloud truly valuable for every future ready organization.

Whilst your cloud adoption decision can be a strategic call, it cannot be seen as a one-off endeavor. It is more of a journey spanning time and phases, embracing scale and speed with an unrelenting desire towards positive change across people, processes and technology. This roadmap towards competitive advantage needs to ask the right questions, adopt the right migration approaches, factor in best practices at all stages, at every milestone for the value of the cloud can be much more than the economics of reducing capex and opex. That’s where business agility walks in.

Getting Agile about Business Agility

Adapting to change and adopting change for resilience, growth and business transformation can be the one of the ways of looking at business agility. In the cloud context, there is a clear connection, an umbilical cord between business outcomes and the inherent agility the cloud can provide. This co-relation can be understood in light of how cloud adoption offers tangible cost benefits. At the broader level it answers the question of how technology innovation on a best-fit model bolstered by industry best practices can enable true business transformation. When you factor in the creation of new business models, think think… the cloud in conjunction with Big Data, the digital leapfrogging can truly reimagine the way organizations operate, scale and succeed in all weather conditions.

Who moved the Cheese?

Businesses traveling the IT highway have gone through quite a few milestones with some early adventurers taking the road not taken. Some have got on the cloud bandwagon as early as can be, those strategic decisions bearing good dividends even in times of uncertainty. They have come a long way, from times of virtualization that begot efficiency to taking a step further with moving to the cloud, running those virtualized workloads on rented infrastructure. The pleasing consequence was that it liberated capital and human resources from heavy lifting on-premises, freeing valuable bandwidth to zero on delivering business value. Initial hiccups apart, the pioneers have paved the way. Today, cloud migration models have matured, with horses for courses strategic approaches leading the way and rightly so. It has evolved too. With best practices and innovation.

How Agile can your Cloud Migration get?

You can be an early adopter looking at a multi-cloud hybrid model or looking to get legacy applications on the cloud to stay competitive; the crux really is agility, that innate enabler of responding as quick as it gets and correctly to changing business dynamics. Agility by itself cannot make it happen. The critical magic potion that can help unlock agility and pivot to positive change is Automation. Cloud workflows during and after the migration are built for Automation; the universal API-driven frameworks for computing, storing and networking clearly show that they are made for each other. Automation also plays a crucial role during the cloud migration journey. Using the right automation tools and migration strategy can help in substantial cost and time savings.

Cloud bound today? Automate and Autopilot

Automating your cloud migration journey has clear benefits in terms of reduced migration time, lower migration costs and more importantly, a seamless, secure transition with no business disruption. Choosing the right cloud migration strategy based on your long-term business objectives is key to a successful migration. Automation can really be the big game changer when you are migrating legacy applications to the cloud since legacy modernization comes with its own set of challenges. A quicker cloud migration would mean lowered TCO costs and greater agility for exponential growth. Moving to the cloud ticking the right boxes with automation as the enabler is also the perfect opportunity to shape the business transformation lifecycle – cloud migration leading to IT agility and consequently business agility paving the way for competitive advantage.

Get in touch with our cloud experts to automate your cloud journey in 6 weeks flat with guaranteed 50% savings in time and cost.

About the Author

Prakash Rangarajan

Prakash Rangarajan

Prakash likes to blog on digital marketing, technology and nature. He sees the writing process as an intrinsic journey of the heart, mind and the soul. He loves trekking and is passionate about wildlife conservation.

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