Streamlining Invoice-to-Pay Process with PeopleSoft Payables 9.2 Matching Exceptions Analysis

Enterprise Platform Services

November 19, 2013

PeopleSoft Payables 9.2 delivers Matching Exceptions Analysis to streamline the Invoice-to-Pay process by providing visibility into the invoice matching history for better supplier, buyer, and rules analysis.The matching history data is useful for supplier contract negotiations and minimizes matching errors. The system stores all the exceptions from the previous matching process. The matching history helps users to reduce the time to fix errors. Finally, since errors are identified as internal or external, users are positioned to offer buyer support when necessary in order to reduce repetitive errors as well as to provide critical information to buyers when renegotiating contracts with suppliers.

Navigation: Accounts Payable > Review Accounts Payable Info > Vouchers > Match Exception Analysis

Case 1

Match Exception Analysis by Supplier: This option can be used to view match exception for each supplier

Match Exception Analysis

The details of the exception for  supplier can be viewed by using the Details link

Supply Exception Rules

Voucher transaction details can be viewed by using the Show Details link. The match exception details page will display all the voucher for supplier East Bay Travel having exceptions due to Match Rule id RULE_V300

Match Exceptions Detail

Case 2

Match Exception Analysis by Rule: This option can be used to view match exception details for each Rule.

Match Exception Analysis by Rule

The details of exception for each Rule can be viewed by using the Details link

Exception Rule Suppliers

Voucher transaction details can be viewed by using the Show Details link. The match exception details page will display all the vouchers that are in match exception for RULE_V200

Match Exceptions Detail Rule

Case 3

Match Exception Analysis by Buyer: This option can be used to view match exception details for each Buyer.

Match Exception Analysis by Buyer

The details of exception for each Buyer can be viewed by using the Details link

Match Exception Analysis by Buyer Details

Voucher transaction details can be viewed by using the Show Details link. The match exception details page will display all the vouchers that are in match exception for PO’s created by buyer POS4

Match Exceptions Detail Buyer

About the Author

Stephen Susae

Stephen Susae

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