Application Strategy and Digital Transformation Series – Part 1


August 25, 2016

Containers: The Next Step in Virtualization

Tapping Digital Customers through Modern Applications

Hexaware sees this age as the age of digital customers. And for these customers to be able to achieve their business objectives, they must have access to modern innovative apps. This provides great opportunities for enterprises to proactively analyze their existing apps portfolio & current application development strategy and look for strategies to transform the way apps are developed and delivered in the current age.

There are contemporary avenues available to architect, deliver and run applications using Containers, Cloud & Microservices and DevOps. Our series of blogs focusing on these trends will help you understand some of these avenues in a better way. This will not just help you separate hype from reality but also empower you to realign your thinking in this direction and take informed decisions. This blog post, which will be a part of a 4-part series, is dedicated around Container as a technology. Our future posts will focus on Microservices and DevOps.

Though the role of Containers/ Microservices/ DevOps to drive digital transformation is limited, they can definitely help accelerate an enterprise’s journey with increased efficiency. Containers are benefiting both development and IT operation teams and have become the hottest trend in virtualization. You yourself must have witnessed a great surge of interest in the use of various container technologies. Enterprises across varied business lines, from e-commerce sites to banks and major financial institutions, are keen to understand what Containers are, how they can benefit applications hosted on premise and Cloud, and how they can be used optimally for specific development and IT operations environment.

Our focus through this series would be on explaining what Containers are, how they work and how they are different from VMs. We have also provided Hexaware’s point of view on the current maturity level of Container technology and discussed if it is a reality or just a hyped concept. This series of posts will further help you understand where you can leverage this technology, check for possibilities of considering it as a replacement for full-machine virtualization and take more confident decisions related to investment and innovation priorities around Containers.

Furthermore, we will also throw light on other enterprises’ current & future plans, motivations, challenges and considerations around adopting the technology.

These posts will be highly relevant to business executives, IT executives and architects. It will help them in having a realistic look at Container technology along with relevant information to take a call on where Containers make sense and where they don’t.

We hope the context is set on what is in the offing. In our upcoming post we will introduce you to Containers.

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