Cloud-readiness Assessment for Applications   Cloud-readiness Assessment for Applications  

Cloud-readiness Assessment for Applications  

Amaze®-driven effective cloud migration strategy for a leader in global assessments


Our client is a prominent US based company operating at the forefront of testing, evaluation, and examination administration. With a global footprint, they manage an extensive network of test centers, spanning thousands of sites across 160+ countries.  

Grounded in the belief that education has the power to positively shape the world, our client actively contributes to a future where learning is progressive, assessments are transformative, and individuals ascend to their highest potential. 


A presence in 160+ Countries 


Specializing in conducting various examinations, our client is dedicated to enhancing lives and making a positive impact on a global scale. Their mission revolves around pioneering advancements in the way individuals learn, assess, and ascend. 


With a goal of achieving data center independence, our client embarked on a cloud migration journey. To enable intelligent decision-making, they needed a clear understanding of their environment including costs, timelines, and effort required for cloud transformation.  

Moreover, a globally distributed environment, inconsistent data, and lack of code understanding led the client to seek a cloud transformation partner to quickly assess the situation and create a transformation roadmap. 


  • Data center independence 
  • Faster transformation from on-premises to cloud 
  • Scalability through CI/CD automation 
  • Improved code quality, security, privacy, and regulatory compliance 
  • Increased efficiency through process improvements and automation 
  • Cost reduction through open-source technologies and data center exit 

Cloud Challenges Requiring Strategy 

  • Undefined assessment timeframe due to legacy application complexity 
  • Unavailable subject matter experts and documentation   
  • Globally distributed and complex application portfolio 
  • Inconsistent data 
  • Lack of tools to fully discover application anomalies 
  • Inability to estimate costs without a transformation roadmap 


Hexaware leveraged its Amaze® for Assessment platform to determine the optimal cloud strategy for each application. The tools ran in-depth data environment assessments, discovered, tagged, and collated all IT estate information.  

Amaze® analyzed the best modernization roadmap for each application, recommended appropriate treatments, performed wave grouping based on code analysis for a Cloud Readiness Index, and provided a target architecture recommendation for all workloads.  


The Amaze® platform, combined with insights gathered from client workshops, produced a transformation roadmap for resource utilization and rightsizing guidance.  

Hexaware used its tried and tested approach for exploring the client data center using Amaze® and gain insight into the server estate. In addition, for Java and .NET custom application, the Hexaware team probed the source code to identify the potential of its transformation to cloud native software architecture and the blockers.  


The shift was powered by Hexaware’s patented Amaze® for assessments which cut down the code assessment time from weeks to days. 

Our Amaze® platform-driven assessment was augmented with data gathered from interviews with the company’s stakeholders and resulted in a recommendation per application, precisely defined move groups for lift-and-shift to the cloud, and a transformational roadmap for custom applications. 


The assessment report and roadmap provided the client with detailed insights to make informed decisions and accelerate their IT transformation. Leveraging the data, the client secured optimal cloud pricing through quotes and negotiations. 


Additionally, value-added recommendations on IT strategy, product management, and culture change will enable confident ongoing cloud progress with clear direction.

Clear-cut Global Applications Portfolio 

Increased agility for applications and simplified control for our client’s globally distributed application portfolio, resulting in easier management, updates, and scalability. 

Strategic Shift to the Cloud  

Optimized migration roadmaps with Hexaware’s cloud expertise, fostering a collaborative and informed approach to application transformation. 

Cloud Assessment Timeframe with Amaze® 

Predictability in assessment timelines due to streamlined processes. 

Data Consistency and Accuracy 

Reliable and accurate data for informed decision-making, ensuring consistency across applications and supporting more robust analytics and reporting. 

Tools to Solve Application Disruptions 

Enhanced visibility into application health and performance through advanced tools, leading to proactive anomaly discovery and mitigation, minimizing disruptions. 

Clear Cost Estimations for Application Modernization 

Improved financial planning and transparency with the ability to estimate costs accurately, supported by a clear transformation roadmap that aligns investments with strategic objectives. 


On leveraging cloud technology our client is at the cutting edge of advancements that facilitate progressive learning and transformative assessments.  

The strategic embrace of cloud-based applications empowers our client to contribute actively to a future where education is dynamic, aligning seamlessly with their vision to positively shape the world with the impact of education. 


By harnessing the power of the cloud, our client transforms test administrations into seamless, global experiences — where assessments are agile and pathways to advancement unfold effortlessly. 

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