TIBCO BusinessWorks Applications – A Sneak Peek at Cloud Readiness Assessment with Amaze®


December 15, 2021

Cloud migration of TIBCO BusinessWorks applications can be a complex and costly task if not backed with automation and cost-efficient techniques. There are a lot of challenges involved in the process. You need to adopt a suitable cloud transformation strategy that can help the TIBCO BusinessWorks application to migrate seamlessly. Some of the generic challenges that you may face in the initial stages of cloud modernization can be:

  • No TIBCO application cloud migration roadmap in place
  • Skill shortage and SME unavailability
  • Costs and complications associated with application maintenance and implementation
  • Cost of third-party partners and tools
  • Adhering to timelines for application cloud migration
  • Maintaining data security and risk assessment
  • Prioritization problem – Predefined business metrics are not available
  • Cost of training and rehiring new talent- Determining the cost of training staff in new systems and technologies
  • Budget variance- To determine how the cloud fits into your budget over time
  • Application latency- Cloud native application working faster than legacy

Cloud Migration Assessment Blockers that can Hit your Cloud Journey

  • TIBCO BusinessWorks application dependencies and integration points
  • Whether the adapter that is configured in the TIBCO BusinessWorks application has been identified?
  • Is the entire process and activity identified?
  • Are the TIBCO BusinessWorks application configurations and properties identified?
  • Identification of application invoker and process handler
  • Identification of communication and domain-specific protocols

How Application Cloud Migration Assessment with Amaze® takes Away your Worries?

Before we decide on an appropriate cloud modernization strategy, we analyze the current TIBCO BusinessWorks application to determine the risk and complexity of each process and operation. Amaze®-led application assessment provides details about cloud readiness, event matches, starter event, and TIBCO BusinessWorks application inventory. This helps to perform a preliminary analysis of the TIBCO BusinessWorks application. The assessment report highlights the level of refactoring required and automatically identifies the process and operations that help to understand the existing TIBCO BusinessWorks applications. The amaze®-led assessment report is generated 100% faster as compared to manual reports. The report plays a key role in cloud transformation planning, business planning, migration architecture, and analysis of the current dependencies and solutions.

Key Parameters Covered during the Assessment

  • TIBCO application criticality and type
  • Application cloud readiness
  • Database readiness
  • Message broker/message queuing readiness
  • Event invokers and handler
  • Startup process that helps in starter operation of the application

Starting with the Assessment

Amaze® Assessment Workbench assesses cloud modernization readiness through a comprehensive analysis of portfolio applications and is a key step before the amaze® Replatforming Workbench starts transforming the applications to cloud native and readies them for AWS/Azure/GCP PaaS based solutions. The assessment workbench scans each process file and every line of code in the TIBCO BusinessWorks application and the related connectors and database objects. It then generates a comprehensive interactive report showcasing a detailed view of the application(s) and their readiness for Spring Boot integration and cloud transformation.

The assessment helps to gather details on the following fronts:

  • The total number of adapters and how they are utilized in the TIBCO application
  • Technology blockers
  • How much level of manual effort required for the cloud migration with amaze®?
  • Establishing performance baselines
  • Application deployment strategies
  • How is the TIBCO BusinessWorks application to be decomposed?
  • The best practices and design principles to be applied for the cloud transformation
  • How to create a dependency tree?
  • Technical and functional assessment

The assessment report generated using amaze® contains various types of analysis on cloud replatforming readiness depending upon the nature of the TIBCO BusinessWorks application assessed. This report displays detailed graphs covering the following key parameters:

  • The level of refactoring required in the replatforming
  • Technologies used in the current applications
  • Connector-wise percentage of the lines of code
  • Configuration-wise percentage of the number of programs
  • Readiness of the Oracle/DB2/Sybase/SQL Server databases for replatforming to Postgres database along with the percentage of code changes needed
  • Readiness of the TIBCO BusinessWorks middleware applications for replatforming to Spring Boot application
  • Containerization and cloud readiness information
  • Project configurations

Moreover, it provides  an in-depth analysis for a TIBCO BusinessWorks application with various connectors for each of the areas below:

  • Application snapshot
  • Event and connector matches
  • Message broker replatform readiness
  • Database and FTP replatform readiness
  • Activity and event list
  • Macro and microservice details

Replatforming Effort Estimation Report

The effort estimation report generated by using amaze® contains various types of analysis on replatforming effort estimation depending upon the type of the TIBCO BusinessWorks application process and connectors that were used in the TIBCO BusinessWorks source application. The complexity of the application can be categorized as simple/medium/complex depending upon the total effort to be put in. This report covers the following key parameters:

  • Total number of main and sub-processes
  • How many connectors are configured in TIBCO?
  • Total number of activities and events used in the application
  • Intake (understanding TIBCO process flow and business)
  • Database and data migration
  • Unit and integration testing
  • Documentation and training
  • Hypercare support
  • SIT/UAT support

At Hexaware, our application cloud transformation “Center of Excellence” has built amaze® to make your application migration to the cloud easy, seamless, and with 75% less manual effort.

For more information and to get started with a free assessment for your TIBCO BusinessWorks application, please write to amaze@hexaware.com.

About the Author

Sekar Marimuthu

Sekar Marimuthu

Sekar M works with Hexaware’s amaze® practice as a Technical Architect. He is responsible for developing and maintaining the replatforming and assessment engines for amaze® TIBCO. In his current role, he is also responsible for enabling customers across the globe to modernize their legacy TIBCO applications. His areas of expertise include microservices development, Spring Boot, and AWS.

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