DNA of A Successful Cloud Transformation Strategy DNA of A Successful Cloud Transformation Strategy

DNA of A Successful Cloud Transformation Strategy


Each company needs a plan in place in order to have a successful cloud transformation journey. Approximately 74% of the organizations fail to complete modernization projects due to improper planning and processes. In order to migrate legacy applications to the cloud successfully, each company needs a specific plan in place – there is no one-size-fits-all formula to complete this journey.

Over the last decade, while working with Fortune 500 and other clients we realized that most of the enterprises face one common blocker in the middle of their cloud journey – improper planning, processes, and strategy . There needs to be a thorough and clear mindset regarding why the cloud migration is required, and what are the business, technology, and cost objectives that the client is trying to achieve through the legacy application migration to the cloud. This impacts their overall pace of cloud modernization and influences the amount of time and costs to be invested in completing the project. Hexaware has been able to unpack the complex planning and create the DNA of a successful cloud modernization plan. This plan includes:

  • Assess the applications to be migrated
  • Prepare a cloud transformation strategy canvas
  • Bring a modernization mindset
  • Check the cloud transformation blockers
  • Check automation feasibility for critical workloads

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