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August 31, 2019
Welcome to the world of Agile DevOps! In this blog, we will discuss different scrum events. As we all know, scrum is the most popular Agile framework and can reap great business benefits if executed thoroughly. Thus, understanding its events becomes even more important as it is these events which actually help in collaboration and self-organization of teams and bring value to the efforts. To be precise, conducting scrum events ensures the success of scrum teams.
So, let’s have a quick overview of important scrum events and understand their role in scrum.
This event is a 4-hour session per 2-week sprint and happens on the first day of sprint before the sprint begins. Sprint planning is also considered as a ceremony in scrum.
Daily Scrum is also considered as a scrum ceremony.
This event is a 2-hour session for a 2-week sprint and happens on the last day of the sprint. Sprint review is also considered as a ceremony in scrum.
This event is a 2-hour session for a 2-week sprint and happens on the last day after the sprint ends. Sprint retrospective is also considered as a scrum ceremony.
This event happens throughout the release and is done as and when required. The team should contribute 1-3 hours as required during the sprints.
Sprint is an important event in itself.
Now, let’s have a look at the scrum framework in Figure 1 given below to understand how scrum process works in a sprint. Actual work is done in a sprint and product increment is obtained as per the committed goals with the help of other scrum events. Inputs are taken from stakeholders and transformed into the product backlog in the form of user stories and tasks by the product owner. Release planning is done by the product owner to plan for the releases and backlog is prioritized accordingly. Product owner holds Backlog Refinement meeting with the scrum team to move from uncertainty to certainty and part of these stories are groomed further, while spikes are identified. Scrum team gets into Sprint Planning and commits to Sprint backlog. Scrum team meets daily as part of Daily Scrum to discuss on the progress of scrum and identify impediments and plan till the next scrum. Team demonstrates the progress and the product owner reviews the progress as part of Sprint Review meeting before the sprint is closed. After sprint is closed, the scrum team gets into retrospective meetings to identify what went well, what could have been done better and what needs improvement. The team accordingly collects the action items and work on it. Scrum of Scrum is conducted after Daily Scrum between different scrum teams to resolve dependencies between teams.
Conducting scrum events improperly or incompletely can derail the entire scrum team and defeat the very purpose of practicing scrum. Scrum events help to drive sprint execution towards committed goal and get the desired product increment. Success of scrum is based on how effectively the scrum team makes use of each scrum event.
About the Author
Suhas Mali
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