Interactive Web Interface and Personalized Knowledge Chat Using Azure Open AI Interactive Web Interface and Personalized Knowledge Chat Using Azure Open AI

Interactive Web Interface and Personalized Knowledge Chat Using Azure Open AI


Our client is a multinational industrial technology company specializing in mobility technologies, smarter transportation, and alternative energy solutions with over $3.2 Bn in revenues and 7,000 employees.


The client wanted to develop a generative AI-powered conversation portal to act as an internal knowledge base. This platform would serve as a central source of truth for company data while helping users easily find relevant information and make informed choices.

However, there were four crucial challenges to creating the portal:

  • Security and privacy concerns over the leakage or exposure of proprietary/organizational data to the open world.
  • Lack of an intuitive user interface for about 30 use cases.
  • Governance challenges as individual teams experimented with Open AI solutions independently.
  • Indexing chat history of various employee interactions and alleviating security concerns.


Hexaware designed an intuitive and user-friendly chat interface akin to Users could register, log in, and participate in conversations with an AI-generated chatbot to access relevant business information. We leveraged advanced natural language processing capabilities provided by Azure OpenAI to enable the chatbot to formulate responses based on user inputs, creating engaging and meaningful interactions. The application incorporated real-time notifications, user profiles, and other relevant functionalities to enhance the overall communication experience. We created:

  • An intuitive user interface to help users engage securely in real-time chat interactions with Azure OpenAI. Access to the interface was linked to the user’s corporate account credentials.
  • An administrative interface to empower authorized administrators to oversee user role management and application configuration. Access to this admin interface required authenticated users to be assigned the ‘Admin’ role.
  • An execution layer, comprising a synergy of three distinct modules: AzureOpenAI connector, database integrator, and engine.

Evaluating IT Ecosystem for Gen AI Integration

Hexaware helped rapidly identify and validate the 30 generative AI use cases through feasibility assessments and delivering scalable solutions that work seamlessly with the client’s current enterprise architecture. Our solution consisted of:

  • GPT Chat Only Solution: Utilized Azure Open AI Services, seamlessly integrating the company’s identity management for authentication. The UI for search components was eliminated, enabling direct interaction within the large language model. Various models were experimented with, integrating backend and identity management with the React UI, offering chat-only functionality.
  • GPT Chat with KB Extension Solution: The GPT Chat with KB Extension Solution was developed by leveraging Azure Open AI Services and cognitive services, incorporating advanced capabilities to enhance user experience. It featured a form recognizer specifically designed for processing PDFs, streamlining document handling tasks. Documents were meticulously segmented, indexed, and stored within cognitive search, empowering users to retrieve essential information swiftly and efficiently. Moreover, citations were seamlessly integrated within interactions, ensuring accuracy and credibility in the information provided.


Efficient and Effective Customer Support

Reduced the effort of knowledge center associates by 40%, helping them answer technical questions and providing technical assistance via a virtual assistant.

Centralized Portal Allowing Increased Employee Engagement

Improved engagement with accurate, personalized, and specific relevant conversations.

Enhanced Accuracy

Improved accuracy of responses attuned to the nuances of the business and internal organizational policies.

Increased Employee Efficiency

Optimized specific workflows, e.g., leave management, making them more efficient in handling tasks, leading to time savings and increased productivity.

Data Security

Ensured sensitive information was confined to the work environment, addressing concerns about data privacy and security.

Improved Onboarding Experience

Improved the onboarding experience of new employees by reducing onboarding time by 60%.


Our solution addressed issues related to user engagement, ease of use, integration with Azure OpenAI, efficient communication, user experience enhancement, user-friendly interaction, efficient handling of inquiries, and advanced AI capabilities to enhance response quality.

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