Is a custom mobile app right for your business? Everything you need to know.

Digital & Software Solutions

September 11, 2024

The average adult consumes five times more information every day than they did 50 years ago, and they’re spending more than 12 hours of their day in front of a screen. It’s more difficult than ever to engage with consumers who are being bombarded with so much information at any given moment.

Interestingly, almost 90% of the time that people spend on their phones is related to app usage. And while it can be a harder sell to get a user to download your app, once they become an active user, you have the advantage of a focused communication channel with the people you most want to speak with.

The unique customer connection that comes with mobile app engagement explains why there are almost two million mobile apps available in the app store, and why businesses spend so much of their digital efforts targeting mobile app development. But assuming all apps are equally able to deliver business benefits is a mistake, and there’s a lot to consider before you roll out a mobile app to your customers.

What are the primary categories of mobile apps available for my business?

Before you embark on a mobile app development project it’s important to consider how you’ll develop that app.  The way you build your mobile app can make a world of a difference in its ultimate success so it’s important to thoughtfully consider the best possible process based on your needs and resources.

Two of the most basic development processes when it comes to mobile app development include:

  1. Out-of-the-box mobile apps: An out-of-the-box mobile application solution — or “off-the-shelf” product — is one that can be purchased and used without the need or ability for much customization. It comes with a preset list of features and functionality and will offer the same basic solution to anyone who purchases it.
  2. Custom mobile apps: A custom mobile application is one that is built from the ground up for a specific business need and use case. All aspects of that app are designed according to a customer’s specific needs and specifications.

Deciding which type of app is right for your situation is the first and major step in launching a product for your business, and one that shouldn’t be taken lightly.

What are the pros of custom mobile app development

As with any major business decision, there are pros and cons. Let’s look at the top advantages that a custom mobile app can offer your business.

Best user experience: One of the biggest benefits of a custom mobile app is that it is completely tailored to your customer’s needs and their expectations of an interaction with your brand. A custom mobile app can revolutionize your brand’s engagement and drive lasting loyalty.

Unique business goals: Every business is different. Even within the same industry, it’s nearly impossible for one solution to meet a company’s specific needs. When you design from the ground up, you have the opportunity to create exactly what will add the most value to your business.

Flexibility: A custom mobile app can more quickly address your needs as they arise. For example, if you host events for your customers, an app can provide real-time access to key information, right when it is needed. It could be customized to include speaker schedules, on-site product demos, entry into raffles, post-event surveys and essential event information, like how to get to a particular room or venue ensuring smooth operations and a better experience for attendees.

Uniqueness: If all of your competitors are purchasing out-of-the-box mobile app solutions, it will be difficult to stand out by doing the same thing. True differentiation is much more possible with a custom mobile app built specifically for the needs of your business and the unique needs of your customers.

Business integration: A custom mobile app engagement will consider your existing technology infrastructure and be built to work successfully with what you already have.

Scalability: A mobile app built for your specific needs can also be built to grow as your business expands. This can’t always be said of an off-the-shelf solution.

Pros of out-of-the-box mobile app products

There are times with an off-the-shelf solution may meet your needs. Generally, these types of solutions tend to have the following advantages:

Cost: Due to its standardized features, an off-the-shelf mobile app solution is unusually a less costly endeavor.

Speed: Out-of-the-box solutions are typically already developed, which reduces some early strategy work and makes the implementation process faster.

Reduced ongoing maintenance: With off-the-shelf solutions, there’s often the option to have updates and other maintenance handled by the seller which means this could be a fit for teams without IT support.

How to decide which type of app is right for you

In our experience, developing a custom mobile app that can flex and grow to meet your businesses needs into the future is well worth the investment. That said, if that’s not possible, make sure you do your homework on the off-the-shelf solution you’re considering. Make sure you extensively demo the product, assess if it will deliver against your most important needs, and that the seller has a track record of happy customers, fulfilled end users, and positive reviews.

Potential pitfalls of any mobile app development process

Regardless of the type of app you chose for your business, there are important considerations to keep top of mind throughout your app launch. Our proprietary research shows that there are several factors that contribute to failure of an app, including:

  • Low number of app reviews
  • Negative comments inside the app reviews
  • Average or less than average star rating
  • Login issues
  • Accessibility and flexibility
  • Lack of customization and personalized offerings

The consequences of negative user experience with these features can have a lasting impact on your business. For example, low app reviews can lead to poor brand perception and login issues may deter users from regular interaction with your services. Alternatively, difficulty logging into the application or completing onboarding can leave users feeling overwhelmed and frustrated causing them to abandon the flow.

With so much at stake, you need to thoroughly consider the features that matter most in your industry and ensure that once your app is launched, it is widely accepted by users. It’s important that it promotes a positive feeling for your brand, not one that evokes a negative perception.

The best foundational information for your custom mobile app: Hexaware’s Friction Report

Before you even begin a custom mobile app project, one of the best things you can do is assess how users regard existing apps in your category. Hexaware’s Friction Report is a proprietary tool that uses AI/ML to analyze thousands of customer reviews on mobile apps, websites, and similar tools to help businesses see what they’re doing well and where they could use some help.

The Friction Report can also summarize how these digital touchpoints, such as mobile apps, perform across an industry. With consumers increasingly turning to digital channels, your company needs to reassess its digital strategy to ensure you are providing maximum value to your customers. You can do this by thinking of the report as a roadmap to creating a 5-star app experience that drives positive engagement with your brand!

Want to see for yourself? Contact us to receive a copy of a Hexaware Friction Report highlighting the most important features for you to consider.

Choosing a mobile app consulting partner

Developing a successful mobile app is complex. It’s important to get it right, especially when your business success depends on it. Finding a mobile app development consulting partner that will hear your needs, work in collaboration with you, bring a multitude of experts to the table to create an experience that furthers your business goals can be tough.

The Hexaware difference, and how we achieve these goals, lies in our people. Our team can help you identify whether a fully custom app is needed or if a low-code or no-code solution could meet your needs. Even better, we can be your strategic partner from strategic plan to full implementation. Turn to Hexaware when you’re ready to start your mobile application development journey.

Hexaware is a global digital consultancy that helps the world’s leading brands understand, apply, and engage with technology in meaningful ways. With mobile app development & consulting services, we can help you strategize, create, and implement a custom mobile app that helps you thrive in today’s competitive landscape. Our full-service teams are focused on creating powerful experiences for your users that bolster brand loyalty and trust.

About the Author

Shelby Stachel

Shelby Stachel

Digital Product Manager

Shelby is a skilled Digital Product Manager specializing in creating customer-centric digital experiences. With expertise in healthcare, financial services, and insurance, she leads cross-functional teams to success using agile methodologies. 

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