Automation with Amaze® makes your Cloud Modernization Journey So Simple and Seamless!


December 23, 2021

Its automation everywhere and application and database cloud migration are no exception to it. All that matters is how good your cloud modernization strategy is and how well you assess your application and zero in on its target state on the cloud. Most cloud modernization journeys start with futuristic planning but derail midway if the applications are not analyzed thoroughly for their cloud readiness. Moreover, the extent of automation being applied also determines the cost and timelines of such journeys.

Cloud Modernization Readiness Assessment with Amaze® – Its Way too Automated

Amaze® is Hexaware’s proprietary application cloud modernization product suite for enterprise-level Java, .NET, and TIBCO BusinessWorks applications running on Oracle, DB2, or Sybase database. It is based on one simple principle – the more you automate, the better you migrate. Amaze® enables automated rapid assessment of applications irrespective of their complexity and leverages its built-in refactoring engine for automated code refactoring as per the target architecture. This not just saves your time and cost on your cloud migration journey but also decreases initial manual efforts significantly and improves time-to-market considerably. Also, you get to know very early in the cloud transformation journey which architecture and cloud type could yield the best results for your application in the future.

What does the Automated Assessment Report Cover?

The report considers your current state and the target state for cloud migration and analyzes your application thoroughly in an automated way on the following fronts:

  • Containerization readiness
  • Replatform readiness
  • DevOps readiness
  • Macro API candidates
  • Micro API candidates

The report also mentions the lines of code in the current application and can even list down the reusable components that you can retain. The report further generates a snapshot of the technology spread in your application so that you can take an informed decision on what should be the target technology stack and which technologies you need to retain or replace to eliminate licensing costs. This plays a key role in reducing the overall TCO by more than 50%. Post the cloud readiness assessment, you get a clear idea about how much code refactoring is needed and where.

The Next Steps

Amaze® is well-equipped with state-of-the-art tools and accelerators like containerization readiness analyzer, refactoring engine, code merge, and application builder for end to end automated cloud modernization on the cloud of your choice, be it public, private, or hybrid. We have already partnered with hyperscalers like AWS, Azure, and GCP for rapid and extremely cost-efficient cloud migration.

Once the assessment is completed, our cloud experts guide you on the cloud modernization approach and identify areas where automation can be implemented. The focus is on converting the legacy applications into macro and micro service APIs and migrating them to the cloud without any change in the business functionality of the application. The application is decoupled into web frontend and service backend for better flexibility and agility. This helps to manage the load and costs optimally and also reduces time-to-market.

The amaze®-led automation approach ensures a 50% reduction in API replatforming efforts and costs. Also, the cross-platform deployment support boosts performance post cloud migration to a great extent with enhanced scalability to manage current as well as future needs. The modern and cloud-friendly technology stack enables to leverage true cloud benefits and reduce costs in a very short time.

Cloud Modernization Steps

Amaze®-led Cloud Footprint – A Win-Win Situation

Automated cloud migration of legacy on-premises applications with amaze® brings multiple short-term and
long-term business benefits. Most importantly, it eliminates mundane manual tasks and increases development productivity right from the initial phases. The mass conversion to macro services and fully automated CI/CD pipeline for API’s ecosystem makes the application more responsive and sustainable on the cloud.

Automation with amaze® makes your cloud transformation journey not only simple, but also highly cost-efficient. It brings down your TCO and implementation costs by 50-60% and reduces the cloud migration time by 50%. Enhancement in quality is another major advantage you get with this approach. With amaze®-led automation, you can move your on-premises applications to the cloud in just a few weeks, which could otherwise take several months if done manually.

So, when are you starting your automated cloud migration journey? Get amaze® and step on the cloud much faster than your competitors.

About the Author

Mandar Joshi

Mandar Joshi

Mandar Joshi works as a Technical Architect cum Senior Technical Writer for Hexaware Technologies. He is a part of the amaze® R&D Engineering - GTM Cloud team and carries over a decade of experience in writing on different technologies. He is certified in AWS and Agile and is actively involved with SMEs to explore new avenues for communicating Hexaware’s service offerings to the outer world.

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