Elevate your Application Portfolio Assessment with Amaze®-led Right Cloud Migration Strategies for Enterprises


October 20, 2022

Enterprises are not considering application cloud migration just as a cost-saving exercise anymore but rather as a strategic business decision. While moving to the cloud is inevitable and is no longer an option for businesses, it is not as simple as it looks. In the pursuit of cloud transformation, enterprises end up spending more on their migration journey due to inefficient assessment of critical parameters affecting portfolio cloud transformation, like maintaining data security and risk assessment, identifying application dependencies and integration points, and complexity in assessing the portfolio of applications.

Road Blockers that affect Application Portfolio Assessment

  • Unavailability of SMEs and shortage of skills
  • Unavailability of proficient tools to discover complete application anomalies
  • Lack of a proper application cloud migration roadmap in place
  • Improper cost estimation
  • Undefined assessment timeframe due to a complex workload of legacy applications
  • Lack of proper documentation available for reference
  • Excessive efforts are required for assessing the feasibility of migrating legacy applications

The Right Way to Start Portfolio Assessment and its Business Values

A successful cloud journey depends greatly on how meticulously the cloud readiness assessment is being performed. The cloud assessment platform should provide solutions to all the complex assessment challenges by performing an assessment of the current technology landscape and arriving at an execution roadmap to migrate to a future state landscape based on the customer’s vision. Moreover, the tool should possess automation capabilities to a maximum extent, eliminating the involvement of manual tasks to a greater degree to make this process smoother with shorter time spans. And application owners should have total control over what to migrate, when to migrate, and where to migrate.

Why Choose Amaze® for Portfolio Cloud Readiness Assessment?

The amaze® portfolio cloud readiness assessment is the process of running an assessment on multiple sets of applications of a particular business unit to identify app-level dependencies and get an R factor output. The assessment is done to analyze the fitment of a group of applications to discover their readiness for transformation.

Unlike most of the assessment tools in the market amaze®’s built-in assessment engine analyzes the application in just a few hours without any dependability on SMEs and documentation and performs 80% faster discovery and assessment of workloads.

Fig 1: Manual Assessment vs Automated Amaze® Assessment

The amaze® platform performs assessment at multiple levels and includes:

  • Infrastructure Assessment
  • Application Assessment
  • Database Assessment
  • Code level Assessment
  • Vulnerability and Risk Assessment

Objectives of the automated amaze® portfolio cloud assessment:

  • Analyze applications, interfaces & data complexity
  • Assess application technology stack
  • Understand business gaps and identify priorities
  • Identify integration patterns and types of integrations
  • Run complexity analysis, frequency analysis and time analysis
  • Analyze the effort in migration
  • Understand functional dependencies & finalize focus areas
  • Classify the applications based on severity parameters, i.e., simple, medium and complex
  • Recommend end state architecture, modernization roadmap and efforts, suggest new integration methods and the sequence of migration into production (number of apps, sequencing, scheduling, etc.)

Amaze® can understand the readiness of transforming on-premises applications to Cloud PaaS, CaaS, and FaaS. Amaze® creates a purpose-built migration plan leveraging its robust knowledge management, partnership ecosystem with all major hyperscalers and by performing an automation-led application cloud transformation assessment that considers the 15 critical factors shown below:

Fig 2: Critical Factors for Application Transformation Readiness Assessment

Thus amaze® not just helps to assess the application for cloud transformation, but also plans a suitable migration roadmap by analyzing the fitment of a portfolio/group of applications, recommends the most accurate of all R treatments and performs wave grouping based on deep code analysis. The cloud readiness assessment tool identifies application dependencies and creates a detailed report considering the critical factors for cloud migration.

The application cloud readiness assessment report plays a vital role in analyzing the current state of apps and determining the migration roadmap. With maximized automation, amaze® can assess thousands of applications in days instead of months and significantly saving time and cost while reducing manual efforts. Along with the Cloud Readiness Index, amaze® also shares crucial details such as target architecture recommendation for all workloads, the architecture health quotient, resource utilization and right-sizing recommendations. With amaze®, you have total control over what to migrate, when to migrate, and where to migrate.

Plan your application cloud transformation journey with amaze® for swift assessment, accurate insights and effective TCO reduction.

About the Author

Srinivasan Panchapakesan

Srinivasan Panchapakesan

As a goal-driven visionary leader, Srinivasan has over 30 years of IT experience providing solutions across varied technologies. His expertise includes cloud, agile, DevOps, modern delivery, and solution architecture in domains including healthcare, insurance, life sciences, and banking & financial services. Srini leads and mentors the amaze® team globally to create solutions that add business value and enable the smooth adoption of cloud technologies. He is a passionate learner who drives employees to embrace new technology trends.

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