Smart Manufacturing – Digitalization of Just-in-Time (JIT) Inventory Management Smart Manufacturing – Digitalization of Just-in-Time (JIT) Inventory Management

Smart Manufacturing – Digitalization of Just-in-Time (JIT) Inventory Management

Manufacturing is a complex global business with processes across the entire value chain requiring agile decision-making to avoid cost overruns and losses in productivity. Production costs and speed to market are key metrics that have a direct bearing on profitability. The inventory strategy needs to be planned and optimized for the best results. Thus, the Just-in-Time inventory management system has become a business imperative today.

Emerging digital technologies help manufacturers by exchanging and using information transparently anywhere, anytime, enhancing interaction between man, machine, materials and systems. Future-ready businesses are leveraging smart manufacturing to stay ahead of the curve. Digital transformation through legacy modernization and cloud adoption have become game changers. The need for the industry to benefit from cloud migration and transformation has never been stronger than now.

Explore this Point of View on the manufacturing industry by Srinivasan Panchapakesan, Global Head, Amaze® Business & Cloud Transformation Delivery, for in-depth insights on:

  • Getting smarter with smart manufacturing
  • Why digital transformation is the catalyst
  • Moving from legacy silos to modern ERPs
  • Why the cloud is the heart of a digital enterprise
  • Leveraging Hexaware’s Amaze® for full cloud enablement
  • Planning for smart factories of the future

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