Top Security Challenges in Microservices Top Security Challenges in Microservices

Top Security Challenges in Microservices

The microservices architecture has fuelled innovation and agility in the digital age, helping businesses quickly adapt to changing market dynamics. Development teams can rapidly fix issues and roll out new features to production with less hassle. Businesses are re-engineering their legacy systems to a secure microservices architecture on cloud. In fact, International Data Corporation (IDC) predicts that 90% of apps will be microservices-driven by 2022. In a way, leveraging the microservices architecture has become almost a culture and is at the forefront of fuelling digital transformation.

As with any technology, there are security challenges. As microservices are created as a system of independent entities, each is vulnerable to breaches, necessitating developers to integrate security in their design. 2021 was a record-breaking year for security breaches and hackers will continue to target microservices-based applications with more sophisticated cyber-attacks. Thus enterprises must implement microservices security best practices to make sure there is no business disruption.

This whitepaper takes a deep dive into the foremost challenges in microservices security as listed below

  • More the entry points, the greater is the attack surface
  • Insecure communication channels
  • Isolated nature
  • Distributed nature
  • Deployment capabilities
  • Polyglot architecture
  • Immutability of containers
  • Insecure image source

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