Redefining the Banking Ecosystem with Intuitive Digital Workplaces Redefining the Banking Ecosystem with Intuitive Digital Workplaces

Redefining the Banking Ecosystem with Intuitive Digital Workplaces

The working culture has evolved, and the focus has shifted to how customer and employee experiences can be elevated. The ideologies of working have changed with quality taking over the quantity of content.

A banking scenario is headed towards the same each day as it is all about the experience. But banks have had to struggle with technology even in their day-to-day operations. This is when the need to deploy effective IT services becomes essential for seamless operational management.

Read our white paper on ‘Redefining the Banking Ecosystem with Intuitive Digital Workplaces’. It showcases how Digital Workplaces as a bundled solution can help banks augment their interactions with the customer and deliver process harmonization.

Digital Workplace Outcomes:

  • Happy and empowered users
  • Reduced Mean Time To Resolution (MTTR)
  • Enhanced user experience with Tensai®

Projected Business Benefits

  • >90% mean happiness index through XLAs instead of traditional SLAs
  • 10-30% increase in the first call resolution
  • 15% reduction in calls/contacts volumes
  • 30% cost savings driven by automation
  • 35% cost-effectiveness through sun model, and many more.

Every outcome starts with a conversation

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Every outcome starts with a conversation