Middleware for file upload and virus scanning through Azure Cloud Platform Middleware for file upload and virus scanning through Azure Cloud Platform

Middleware for file upload and virus scanning through Azure Cloud Platform

Owing to the defined workflow processes, multiple files need to be received, processed, uploaded, or downloaded.  The files uploaded by various customers are potential carriers of viruses which leads to malicious file upload. Hence, the entire workflow and systems become highly prone to all kinds of possible threats. Hexaware’s Technology Enabler addresses this challenge and empowers enterprises to adopt a secure uploading large, high volume files by multiple customers directly into the storage account; which is later processed in a reliable and scalable way and made available for a secure download leveraging the well-proven Azure components and the design pattern. It proactively enables malware or virus detection through ClamAV antivirus scan and, based on the output, virus-free files get moved to the prod container.

Use cases for file upload and anti-virus scan service on the cloud

  • Auditing process – for volumetric large size file uploaded by multiple users for customers belonging to the internal organization
  • Auditing process – for volumetric large size file uploaded by multiple users for 3rd party vendors belonging to the external organization
  • Financial data processing – for upload of documents by multiple users for single/multiple customers

Key features of the Technology Enabler

  • Adoption of security best practice determines the client’s access to the resource
  • The standard azure storage account supports higher capacity limits in scalability and performance
  • Adoption of event grid and queue storage helps to improve the reliability of scan messages by the function app
  • An open-source anti-virus scanning service image enables a cost-saving, cloud-native serverless design and scheduled virus DB update to the container instance

Key benefits of adopting the technology enabler

  • Avoids intermediary FTP server, the associated management overheads
  • Detects malware, trojans, and any other virus
  • Enables real-time malware scanning at scale
  • Keeps an up-to-date virus definition database with ClamAV server antivirus engine
  • Act or can be enabled as an InfoSec compliant reusable asset

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