Audit View Technology Enabler using SharePoint OOTB Audit View Technology Enabler using SharePoint OOTB

Audit View Technology Enabler using SharePoint OOTB

It is easy to stay compliant when using the proper business process workflow. SharePoint Out of The Box (OOTB) workflows help businesses automate their day-to-day tasks but the workflow history is still available on every SharePoint site. And this information is not usable by the end-user in its default view.

In this POV, find out how to optimize audit view with technology enabler for Out of The Box workflows in SharePoint 2010/2013. Get an understanding of the broad steps involved in the technology solution enabler with an additional primary use case for this enabler solution. This makes the SharePoint OOTB workflows used extensively within the organization, simple for end-users. The key features and benefits of this technology enabler tool include:

  • Seamless Integration with SharePoint UI
  • Adopts the native SharePoint security
  • Simple to configure and manage without any external dependency
  • Can be configured from within the site
  • Features a simple and interactive user interface
  • Supports reusability for both standalone sites and sites using provisioning engine

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