Acing Digital Success with Low-Code/No-Code Development Acing Digital Success with Low-Code/No-Code Development

Acing Digital Success with Low-Code/No-Code Development

As per Gartner, by 2024, Low-Code/No-Code development would account for more than 65% of application development activity. With scaling demand for digitization, the need to fill the gaps in IT skill requirements, and the increasing demand for customization, the industries are widely adopting Low-Code development platforms.

Business leaders now look to deliver projects in weeks or months compared to the previous 3 to 5-year plan. Low-Code optimizes the development process and accelerates delivery by automating application lifecycle steps and streamlining the deployment. LCNC platforms are best suited for users with little or no development experience, i.e., “citizen developers” and professional developers with tight delivery timeframes.

Read this white paper to get a deeper perspective of:

  • What is Low-Code/No-Code Development?
  • Flavors of LCNC
  • Market Trends
  • How to Introduce Low-Code/No-Code in the Organization & its Readiness
  • Leading LCNC Platforms
  • Challenges that can be addressed using Microsoft’s LCNC Platform
  • How can Enterprises benefit from Microsoft’s Low-Code, No-Code Platform?

With extensive experiences in LCNC platforms like Microsoft Power Platform and Salesforce, Hexaware quickly introduces, integrates, and manages the low-code development in organizations.

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