Cloud transformation of business-critical legacy financial applications is always entangled with numerous business and technical challenges. Thus, having a realistic cloud transformation strategy in place can be a great game-changer for swift and seamless cloud migration without impacting business-as-usual.

Hexaware’s amaze® for Applications is a cloud replatforming product that not only expedites cloud transformation of legacy application, but also does so in a cost-efficient manner. In order to implement it, we must first understand the two types of cloud migration challenges:

  • Application-specific – Keeping the applications as localized as possible to comply with different languages, customer types, and regulatory needs
  • Migration-specific – Deciding on a cloud migration strategy as it can directly impact migration time, costs, and the application’s future-ready capabilities

Cloud transformation with amaze® works best for financial applications because it performs rapid cloud migration in a cost-effective manner, while retaining business functionality and guaranteeing security and compliance standards. A Fortune 500 financial services company felt the need for cloud migration with amaze® in order to:

  • Boost operational resilience and scalability in a short time
  • Reduce TCO
  • Improve business agility and staff productivity
  • Improve infrastructure stability
  • Handle end-of-life risk
  • Migrate from CapEx to OpEx model

Through our approach with amaze®, we were able to complete the cloud transformation journey rapidly in just 8 weeks, reduce TCO by 50%, and migrate 50% faster when compared to manual efforts.

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