Deliver Enriching Experiences Through a Seamless Transition Methodology (Part 3)

In the third and final episode of Open Mic – Season 2, our in-house transition expert Ashish Gore, discusses how Hexaware Technologies optimizes real-time processes to deliver a high success rate for transitions resulting in happy clients. 

Ashish shares the key aspects of transition readiness that need to be managed diligently, such as ensuring timely Go Live of in-scope processes, maintaining a steady state of service levels and the importance of an ideal transition methodology. He highlights how Hexaware has embedded specific critical elements into its overall transition methodology, including a Pre-Inception Phase, effective communication of progress and more to ensure that operations teams meet defined SLAs and KPIs. This podcast provides valuable insights into the importance of transition processes, especially for BPO transitions and highlights how Hexaware’s methods can benefit clients in the banking and financial services industry.
