Hexaware Featured in ISG Briefing Note on Autonomous-Led Digital IT Operations Ecosystems

June 19, 2020

Companies today struggle to keep up with the pace of digital transformation that is required to remain competitive in an ever-evolving technology market. Many companies might wonder if automation and cognitive technologies are the answer, and how best to leverage these new technologies to empower their organization to effectively address short- and long-term strategic objectives.

In a briefing note recently published by ISG (Information Services Group), the leading global technology research and advisory firm suggests that companies should consider autonomous led Digital IT operations as part of their digital transformation programs. The briefing note, titled “Hexaware’s Autonomous-Led Digital IT Operations Ecosystem Empowers Enterprises with Innovation”, describes how RAISE IT, Hexaware’s autonomous-led AIOps platform, can help manage the dynamic and complex IT landscape by introducing a deeper level of automation for mundane tasks while helping to re-skill and up-skill employees in cutting edge technologies.

The author, ISG lead Cloud & AIOps Service analyst Manoj Chandra Jha, stated in the note that, “Hexaware’s autonomous IT operation as a service offers an industrialized approach to the multi-cloud IT workload of the managed enterprise with a near-zero touch IT operational concept. I believe that the service has introduced a paradigm shift in the automation and autonomous digital IT operation world.”

For more detail, download the briefing note.

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