Enterprises looking to take advantage of the cloud operating model need to ensure that they have the right quality assurance strategy in place. An ideal cloud assurance platform should validate the cloud migration value chain in its entirety and is a critical catalyst for successful cloud transformation. Hexaware’s cloud quality assurance framework fits the bill perfectly with advanced autonomous software testing models that leverage AI/ML for accelerated go-to-market outcomes.

Amaze® for Assurance is Hexaware’s robust testing framework that ensures your cloud journey is safe, secure, and seamless with end-to-end-quality assurance. The automation-led framework plays a crucial role in making sure all applications and processes work as desired in the cloud environment. By tailoring the cloud testing roadmap for the migration strategy chosen, substantial savings in cost, time, and effort are achieved. Enterprises can get guaranteed 30-40% savings on test efforts and benefit from 2X faster testing cycle times.

The salient features of Amaze® for Assurance include

  • A Unified Testing Platform
  • Multi-Cloud Adaptability
  • Customizable for Cloud Migration strategies
  • Continuous testing / DevOps ready
  • Autonomous Test Script Generation
  • Automated Data Migration Validations

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