De-risk your Greenfield Implementation with Hexaware’s Duck Creek Rapid Go De-risk your Greenfield Implementation with Hexaware’s Duck Creek Rapid Go

De-risk your Greenfield Implementation with Hexaware’s Duck Creek Rapid Go


Are you looking to get your specialty products on the market without risk, technical complexity, costly implementations, and endless delays? Introducing Hexaware’s Rapid Go, the ultimate greenfield implementation solution for insurers to launch their specialty product lines speedily, efficiently, and with no risk. 

With Hexaware’s custom-built product configuration solution, insurers can now relish a comprehensive feature and estimation toolkit that provides catalog-based offerings and services for the Insurance Core Suite (Policy, Billing, and Claims). Our Rapid Go solution includes pre-built product models, ready-to-use mind maps, and an auto-configuration bot to help you jump-start requirement elicitation and shorten the test cycle.  

Benefits delivered:   

  • 100% de-risked   
  • 50% reduced MVP go-live implementation cost
  • ~ 40% reduced time-to-market (from years to a few months)
  • 2x higher quality of deliverables  

Now you can launch new specialty products in just a few months instead of years. So why wait? Download the flyer and get started. 

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