Adopt and Implement Duck Creek OnDemand Efficiently Adopt and Implement Duck Creek OnDemand Efficiently

Adopt and Implement Duck Creek OnDemand Efficiently


Insurers can extract significant benefits from the highly secure SaaS-based core system, Duck Creek OnDemand (DCOD). As a cloud destination, it holds several advantages like lowered TCO, speed to market, improved underwriting, faster upgrade in addition to the benefits of high availability, scalability and performance.

Hexaware uses an automation-first approach led by unique tools to help insurers reduce the effort and overall cost of Duck Creek OnDemand implementation. Our services include Requirement elicitation, configuration of new products and customization of functionalities, integration development, data migration, testing and test automation and post-production support. 

P&C insurers can rely on Hexaware for a smooth and speedy implementation of DCOD by our Duck Creek and Azure certified consultants with in-depth experience of working in the insurance industry. Hexaware has developed value-added solutions that enable insurers to adopt the DCOD platform rapidly. Some benefits delivered by these solutions are as follow:

  • 10-20% faster configuration with our purpose-built configuration tools and utilities eg. user story and story card catalogue, ISO template & rate update utility, version creator & bulk versioning tool
  • Reduction in time from months to days to launch new LOBs through an automated, no-code, business led product configuration design tool using mind maps.
  • 40-50% reduction in the functional testing effort with 2x increase in test coverage through our test automation platform for Duck Creek Suite implementation
  • 30-40% reduction in policy and claims migration effort using our migration engine for the Duck Creek Suite

Download the brochure to know more about Hexaware’s automation-led approach for seamless DCOD implementation.

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