Quality with Speed, Automation-led Managed Testing Service Quality with Speed, Automation-led Managed Testing Service

Quality with Speed, Automation-led Managed Testing Service

A leading global bank’s testing team faced challenges with application performance. They had some high priority goals on quality assurance that they wanted to address by partnering with Hexaware. The client wanted support with enabling a seamless transition and shift from staff-augmentation to managed services, establishing an innovation-centric Testing Center of Excellence, reducing defect leakage both in UAT and Production, etc.

Our team at Hexaware delivered a customized solution by leveraging its deep domain and delivery expertise combined with a quick 2-week due diligence to arrive at a baseline plan. With Automation-led MTS, we provide a comprehensive testing service catalog to organizations who want to transform their testing function.

Benefits delivered to the client:

  • >45% committed reduction in QA Spend
  • 35% Improvement in Test velocity using home grown and Opensource based test accelerators
  • Lean Target operating model customized for Modern delivery (Agile/DevOps)
  • 100% Test requirement coverage ensuring zero functional defects
  • Knowledge management as an inbuilt service
  • Faster time to market by reducing testing cycle time by 3X

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Every outcome starts with a conversation