Optimizing the Visitor Experience with Category Affinity at PenFed Optimizing the Visitor Experience with Category Affinity at PenFed

Optimizing the Visitor Experience with Category Affinity at PenFed

Softcrylic, a Hexaware company, collaborated with their client PenFed to enable Adobe Target category affinity functionality to tailor the digital experience for PenFed’s web visits.

At PenFed, the diverse financial needs of 2.5 million members worldwide were a priority. With a comprehensive range of products, including checking, savings, credit cards, mortgages, and loans, delivering exceptional digital experiences was paramount. We understood this criticality and looked to address: how do we tailor online interactions to align with the unique interests of each visitor?  

We turned to Adobe Target, a powerful tool that helps personalize and optimize digital experiences like never before. With Adobe Target, Softcrylic transformed PenFed’s website into a dynamic platform that caters to the individual needs and preferences of every member and prospect. 

Now, visitors to their site can enjoy seamless and personalized journeys, finding exactly what they need with ease. Get insights in our case study to understand how we transform personalized banking services. 

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