Leading US-based Mining Company Increases Operational Efficiency Leading US-based Mining Company Increases Operational Efficiency

Leading US-based Mining Company Increases Operational Efficiency

About the Client

The client is a leading, US-based mining company that mines copper, gold, and silver ore for the world market. In the mining domain, the client is one of the largest copper producers in the world.

The Challenge

The client was faced with the following challenges that they wished to overcome:

  • Reclassification of alarms to ensure prompt and effective priority-based response
  • Minimizing sudden engine failures to reduce associated unscheduled downtime and loss of productivity
  • Reduce the cycle-time of haul trucks

The Value-Add

  • Alarms were re-classified based on clusters into classes
  • In sites where the model was piloted, unplanned downtime was reduced by 50%
  • The analysis identified an optimal time-interval for oil replacement
  • It uncovered variances in operational practices across different sites leading to standardization of the same
  • USD 10 Mn. savings through run-rate reductions on current expenditure and reduction of CAPEX

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Every outcome starts with a conversation