Hexaware Helps Verisk to Migrate their Applications Using Rehost Hexaware Helps Verisk to Migrate their Applications Using Rehost

Hexaware Helps Verisk to Migrate their Applications Using Rehost

Verisk is a leading global data-driven analytic insights and solutions provider serving the insurance and energy industries. Using advanced technologies to collect and analyze billions of records, Verisk draws on unique data assets and deep domain expertise to provide first-to-market innovations integrated into customer workflows. It offers predictive analytics and decision support solutions to customers in rating, underwriting, claims, catastrophe and weather risk, global risk analytics, natural resources intelligence, economic forecasting, and many other fields.

To scale solutions quickly and achieve greater resilience against points of failure, Verisk made a strategic decision in 2017 to mandate the migration of all corporate-wide IT systems to the cloud by 2022. This impacted legacy databases across multiple business units, which Verisk chose to migrate to Amazon Web Services (AWS) for increased agility and lower costs. Verisk has lowered overall IT expenses in comparison to the self-managed on-premises infrastructure model.

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