Enterprise Data Infrastructure Testing Loan Accounting Initiative Enterprise Data Infrastructure Testing Loan Accounting Initiative

Enterprise Data Infrastructure Testing Loan Accounting Initiative

Our client is a leading secondary mortgage provider in North America who wanted to transform their Enterprise Data infrastructure. The requirements included an Integrated Data Store to enable informed business decision making, an enterprise solution to house Single Family Loan data, Security and Party master to support all business functions, participation of all the internal & external consumers and support various business processes.

Hexaware built an Integrated Data Store with robust features like –

  • EDI Security Master – Centralized platform for security data to support all business processes
  • EDI Loan – Integrated Source of loan data
  • EDI Party Master – Master Data Management solution to manage business content and implement selected vending patterns

Business Benefits:

  • Robust and flexible testing Methodologies
  • Increased productivity per resource consistently
  • 60% reduction in man hours through automation
  • Consistently maintaining the Quality Standards

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