Customer Profile Cleanup Doubles ROI and Elevates Marketing for North American Restaurant Chain Customer Profile Cleanup Doubles ROI and Elevates Marketing for North American Restaurant Chain

Customer Profile Cleanup Doubles ROI and Elevates Marketing for North American Restaurant Chain

Softcrylic, part of Hexaware, addressed the challenges by executing a one-time profile clean-up and implementing ongoing monitoring and removal of inactive profiles.

Unlocking Adobe Experience Platform (AEP) Customer Data 

Is your restaurant chain grappling with license limitations and low match rates in campaigns due to growing customer profiles? Our client, a dynamic restaurant chain, once faced similar challenges with their Adobe Real-Time Customer Data Platform. However, with our strategic implementation of Adobe Experience Platform, we revolutionized their customer analytics game. 

Explore a case study on how we removed licensing limitations and overage charges by leveraging Adobe Experience Platform’s scalable solutions tailored to accommodate rapid customer profile growth. Our advanced segmentation techniques and precise targeting capabilities within the platform boosted match rates and engagement, ensuring every campaign hit the mark. 

Experience seamless cross-channel campaign management and unlock the full potential of your customer analytics with Softcrylic. Make the most of newfound opportunities driven by data today!  

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