A Leading Secondary Mortgage Firm Containerizes its Applications and Migrates its Database using the AWS Database Migration Service A Leading Secondary Mortgage Firm Containerizes its Applications and Migrates its Database using the AWS Database Migration Service

A Leading Secondary Mortgage Firm Containerizes its Applications and Migrates its Database using the AWS Database Migration Service

Many a time, the key challenges for customers are moving their monolithic applications to container-based microservices and also migrating on-premises servers like SQL/UDB to cloud ecosystems in order to enhance the performance and scalability. Hexaware helps to address this major challenge by providing a solution that lays the groundwork for agile development and delivers cost savings, scalability, performance, and manageability.

This case study gives an overview of how amaze® helped a leading secondary mortgage firm migrate its on-premises SQL Server/UDB database to Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL using AWS DMS service and cut costs by 40%. This helped with migrating commercial to open-source databases in AWS with minimal downtime. And other AWS Services used were the following – Event Bridge Rule, Lambda Functions, S3, EKS, Auto Scaling, DynamoDB, CloudFormation, etc.

Business Benefits

  • Reduced the DB provisioning SLA from 2 weeks to 2 days
  • Reduced the manual efforts required for provisioning Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL
  • Avoided the application deployment delays or downtime
  • Automated the end-to-end process of Workspaces deactivation and termination
  • Reduced the manual effort of deleting the stacks

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