Assisting a leading investment bank in outsourcing its middle and back office operations Assisting a leading investment bank in outsourcing its middle and back office operations

Assisting a leading investment bank in outsourcing its middle and back office operations

To stay relevant in the market, it is important to adapt to modernization like a fish takes to water. The same transpired with an asset management company that considered outsourcing middle and back office operations services through a third-party finance company due to challenges with their existing legacy system.

This case study highlights how Hexaware, with its team of experts, helped the client scale up their operational functionality. We used our solution accelerators such as MarkIT EDM and Statpro to validate, control and review data. From building interactive views for analytical reports to introducing an interim model for organizing processes, our team took the risk by assessing the situation and chalked out a planned approach.

Business Benefits

  • 30% cost savings
  • Streamlined operational functionality
  • Enhanced focus on core business for increased profitability

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