Amaze<sup>®</sup> Swiftly Refactored Legacy .NET Applications to Azure OpenShift Containers for a Fortune 500 Telecommunications Company Amaze<sup>®</sup> Swiftly Refactored Legacy .NET Applications to Azure OpenShift Containers for a Fortune 500 Telecommunications Company

Amaze® Swiftly Refactored Legacy .NET Applications to Azure OpenShift Containers for a Fortune 500 Telecommunications Company

Cloud migration, if not done strategically, becomes a time-consuming, error-prone process that can impact the business negatively. Though application complexity and underlying integrations play a major role in defining the migration roadmap, Hexaware’s customizable and automated cloud transformation platform amaze® for applications ensures a seamless and rapid cloud migration journey. For a successful cloud modernization, amaze® executes in a highly secure environment with almost zero downtime.

This case study demonstrates how amaze® refactored a legacy application to Azure OpenShift Containers for a leading telecommunications service provider. Amaze® refactored the legacy .NET applications to .NET Core containerized applications to support
cross-platform application deployment and reduce business costs. Amaze® provided a highly scalable cloud-based solution for managing thousands of servers and databases. The client was able to migrate all existing applications to consume new services without impacting the business. The solution improved business agility by reducing the client’s infrastructure footprint and power consumption. Amaze® dynamically scaled applications
in-line with user loads leading to 60% faster development, deployment, and migration.

Business Benefits

  • Reduced manual effort by up to 70%
  • Reduced licensing costs by up to 50%
  • Reduced implementation costs by up to 50%
  • Eliminated application downtime and the need for standby servers
  • Enabled performance improvement and cross-platform application deployment

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