A unified ITSM platform improves Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) by 76% for a leading gold producer A unified ITSM platform improves Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) by 76% for a leading gold producer

A unified ITSM platform improves Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) by 76% for a leading gold producer

Mining business value with ServiceNow 


The client is a US-based gold, silver, copper, lead and zinc producer with a global pipeline of high-quality development and exploration assets. They have expertise in project construction, mining, and processing and own a diversified portfolio of high-margin, long-life assets along several of the world’s most prolific precious metal districts.


The client wanted to transform workflows to drive agility across their IT ecosystem. They were grappling with a disparate environment that impacted service quality and impeded business transformation. Their key challenges were: 

  • Legacy processes on the Zendesk ITSM tool
  • Lack of standardized service catalogs for end users
  • Multiple point tools that needed unification
  • An in-house team struggling to deliver service quality
  • Ineffective change process with manual and cumbersome change templates
  • Lack of automated reporting and real-time dashboards
  • Lack of user touchpoints across multiple locations to track requests
  • A knowledge management process that needed improvement


The Hexaware approach focused on implementing an IT Service Management (ITSM) platform for providing a standardized, unified prioritization of work based on SLAs. The ServiceNow journey involved: 

  • Implementing a best practices framework with enhanced process KPIs tailored per various personas
  • Leveraging a dynamic translation virtual agent to handle off-hours language requirements (Turkish & Spanish)
  • Setting up a centralized knowledge management database (KMDB) for shift left methodology
  • Laying the foundation of a centralized configuration management database (CMDB) as a single source of truth with embedded checkpoints and KPIs for in-depth tracking
  • Enabling role-based reporting, traceability, and performance monitoring via H2O reports & dashboards
  • Creating an online portal enabling the end-to-end automation of the entire servicing workflow
  • Ensuring simplified and integrated workflows to increase agility  


  • 76% Improvement in CSAT scores
  • 93% Live chat satisfaction
  • 8+ Tools integrated with the ServiceNow platform
  • 24/7  Support model for employees via dynamic translation


We helped accelerate our client’s goals of aligning IT and business goals on a single unified ITSM platform that ensured agility and enhanced customer satisfaction. The client improved their CSAT scores by 93%. Our deep ServiceNow platform and technology expertise helped us create value across the customer IT ecosystem by integrating and transforming workflows. The outcome-based approach and a continual service improvement process by identifying opportunities aligned to the business, executing plans, and measuring value helped drive competitive agility and digital transformation.

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