Serverless Computing, the mantra for business transformation and efficiency


April 20, 2020

Serverless computing does not mean without servers but removing ownership and management of servers. Serverless does not mean harnessing new technology or skills but leveraging these from services providers.

Serverless computing enables businesses to focus on their primary service rather than on underlying IT infrastructure like networks and server operating systems. The prime advantage of this cloud computing model is that it can drastically channelize your IT spends on things that really matter rather than excessive burdens due to routine costs like licensing, hardware and software installation, support and maintenance, etc. More importantly, it also saves your time, money and efforts on hiring and maintaining specialist workforce to perform these tasks.

The serverless architecture allows not just scalability but also elasticity, which means you do not need to spend time and money on creating and/or implementing autoscaling policies. The respective cloud service provider takes care of the same and ensures that your serverless applications integrates seamlessly to deliver optimal results, irrespective of the demand fluctuations. Some of the leading serverless platform providers include Amazon, IBM, Google and, Microsoft.

So, let’s explore the world of serverless through the following infographics and understand the key aspects related to this highly trending technology.

The diagrammatic representation shown below depicts a typical ownership in the serverless computing model against the following:

  • Dedicated on-premise model
  • IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) model
  • PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) model

serverless computing model

Zeniths of Serverless Computing

A new computing model has evolved with serverless architecture that helps businesses transform their journey from product ideation to production with following benefits:

  • Quicker to market readiness with new services or by adding new features like AI, analytics, cognitive intelligence and machine learning
  • Eliminates the need for provisioning or procurement of infrastructure
  • Removes the extra efforts and challenges in acquiring new skills from market
  • Reduced costs

serverless computing model

Characteristics of Serverless Computing

Is serverless computing another technical hype which promises too much but delivers too little? Serverless computing is not a technical flimflam, rather it is a smarter approach by which businesses can leverage latest technology benefits at minimal costs.

Serverless computing benefits or fulfilment of promises are determined by its characteristics listed below:

serverless computing model

How it works?

As serverless computing fulfils its promises, it is gaining popularity among businesses and it is approaching a billion-dollar market-magnitude.

Every business is unique and has its customized IT Landscape. Amazon AWS provides event-driven Lambda functions. Microsoft provides AZURE functions. Google provides event-driven Google Cloud functions and so on. At Hexaware, we help our business partners make the right choice of service providers.

serverless computing model


Serverless computing is not a magic spell to eradicate all business challenges. Quick benefits of serverless computing also brings with it the typical risks that business needs to evaluate. At Hexaware, we help our business partners evaluate and mitigate those risks.

serverless computing model

Use Cases

Serverless computing market-size is primed to reach $10 Billion by 2023.. At Hexaware, we help our business partners choose the right use cases for realizing optimum benefits of serverless computing.

serverless computing model

Depicted below are popular scenarios where a business can do a feasibility check before leveraging serverless computing.

serverless computing model

The right technology helps make a big difference in driving operational efficiencies as it not only helps enhance service delivery but also boosts RoI and helps in cost management. Adoption of a technology like serverless computing helps enterprises become more efficient and extract maximum potential from existing resources within economical costs.  The opportunities to embrace Serverless Computing and derive its benefits are beckoning, so what are you waiting for!


About the Author

Nanda kumar

Nanda kumar

Nandakumar is an Automation Architect with Hexaware’s ATM Practice. As a technology evangelist, he is responsible for formulating automation strategies and identifying technology solutions to undertake business challenges. His areas of expertise include enterprise architecture, application modernization, automation, cognitive intelligence and machine learning.

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