Capitalize on your Database Transformation with Amaze<sup>®</sup>; Transform your On-premises Database to Google Cloud AlloyDB PostgreSQL Capitalize on your Database Transformation with Amaze<sup>®</sup>; Transform your On-premises Database to Google Cloud AlloyDB PostgreSQL

Capitalize on your Database Transformation with Amaze®; Transform your On-premises Database to Google Cloud AlloyDB PostgreSQL


Migrating your on-premise database to cloud can help improve performance significantly. Though leading RDBMS databases are supported by all leading cloud PaaS providers, the Postgres database is mostly preferred for cloud transformation. It is cost-effective, and enterprises realize greater TCO reduction on their cloud transformation journey.

This brochure takes a deep dive into how Hexaware’s amaze® for applications: database transformation module accelerates the cloud migration of application databases from Oracle or MS SQL Server to Google Cloud SQL and AlloyDB for PostgreSQL.

Explore how amaze® assesses the readiness of the existing database for cloud replatforming. The HTML report gives a complete snapshot of the application source along with the underlying database details. The database assessment also identifies blockers in the application data access layer, which should be altered to enable integration with target databases.

Amaze® accelerates database transformation with its replatforming engine with up to 70% automation for Google Cloud AlloyDB for PostgreSQL. Read the brochure to learn more about the unique features of amaze® database transformation capability.

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