APIs: Driving Core Business Transformation APIs: Driving Core Business Transformation

APIs: Driving Core Business Transformation

The digital economy is characterized by new virtualized business models focused on enabling agility and driving exponential growth. With customer experience transformation the core objective, the focus on digital products and assets has created three distinct domains, the physical, traditional digital, and the phygital Metaverse. APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are the lego blocks, the super glue binding the three domains. An API-driven approach is key, with API transformation the defining factor for driving synergies for enterprise-wide digital transformation. Read this whitepaper to know more on

  • Why APIs should be part of the core services in the enterprise
  • Why it is crucial for businesses to have a strong API strategy
  • How open APIs can help create new revenue streams
  • The API maturity model and how it works

Also, discover how Hexaware follows an accelerated approach to API transformation, leveraging its proprietary API factory to help customers achieve business transformation with new digital products and solutions.

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