With the outbreak of Covid-19, the life sciences industry faced a significant challenge in developing vaccines for possible prevention, spreading the correct and helpful information, clinical trials etc. Social media platform conversations increased, and more people turned towards social media for the latest updates. With advancements in social media technology, life sciences companies quickly adapted to new means of selling and promoting their products. 

The introduction of social media revolutionized the way the life sciences industry operated. Earlier, people based their trust solely on doctors, but now they verify every bit of information given to them. It is now essential to be open and transparent to the consumers, and social media provides a way for the same. Thanks to the advantages of social media, people are becoming more health conscious. 

This whitepaper provides detailed insight on: 

  • Challenges faced by life sciences industry due to Covid-19 
  • How decentralized clinical trials meet patients where they are 
  • Features of Hexaware’s DCT platform 
  • How social media can be used to help life science organizations 
  • Business cases 

Read our whitepaper to learn more. 

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