Legacy application modernization has become the absolute business imperative in the VUCA world. Yet many organizations depend on legacy mainframe systems for core critical operations. Maintaining legacy systems comes with inherent challenges like security risks, inefficiency and unpredictability due to a lack of insights and information. However, the way forward would need businesses to get their mainframe modernization strategy right. There are 8 approaches enterprises can take to modernize mainframe applications. The key is to identify the best-fit modernization approach for a legacy application stack.

This whitepaper primarily focuses on the re-platforming and rewriting approach to modernizing mainframe applications. It takes a deep dive into key mainframe modernization parameters like:

  • Cost and time savings
  • What re-platforming entails and when to re-platform
  • Why and when you should rewrite
  • What happens to mainframe components during re-platforming


Also, discover how Hexaware’s Amaze® platform can help your mainframe modernization journey predictable, transparent, and in control.


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