Hexaware Named a Leader for Healthcare Cloud Migration Services in the ISG Provider Lens™ Healthcare Digital Services Report, 2021

January 13, 2022

ISG (Information Services Group) — a leading global technology research and advisory firm known for its deep industry and technology expertise and world-class research and analytical capabilities – named Hexaware a Leader for Healthcare Cloud Migration Services in the ISG Provider Lens™ Healthcare Digital Services Global 2021 Quadrant Report.

According to the report, several overarching events in the healthcare ecosystem, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, have led the industry to sail through choppy waters even in 2022. It evaluates the companies that have the skills, industry expertise, tools and partnerships to assist in healthcare digital transformation, seamlessly.

The report serves as an important decision-making basis for positioning, key relationships and go-to-market considerations. The study affirms service providers’ experience in business and engineering transformation, healthcare domains, interoperability and integration, modernization, and centers of excellence. Achieving interoperability is key to expanding not only virtual care but also modernizing overall healthcare.

Hexaware is well-positioned to take healthcare companies closer to interoperability through seamless cloud migration.  The company has achieved the Leader position in healthcare cloud migration owing to the combination of agility and experience. The company has a large and reliable migration experience, enables speedy execution, and provides a cutting-edge migration framework for payers.

In one of the cases, it helped a leading Healthcare Data Science Company, with cloud service provider selection, migration planning, building a landing zone and performing the migration of more than 15,000 servers across 14 data centers. It uses orchestration with automation to accelerate application deployments in its cloud migrations. It’s proprietary Amaze® for Payers is a smart migration framework to help evaluate and move on-premises, legacy payer data to the cloud at the lowest risk and expense with minimal downtime.


Hexaware Named a Leader for Healthcare Cloud Migration Services in the ISG Provider Lens™ Healthcare Digital Services Report, 2021


“Hexaware combines agility, speed of execution, a comprehensive migration framework and cloud migration experience to make its offering attractive to U.S. healthcare payers.”

To know more about our cloud migration solutions in healthcare industry, click here.