Fostering Personalized Care with Digital Therapeutics Fostering Personalized Care with Digital Therapeutics

Fostering Personalized Care with Digital Therapeutics


Technological interventions in healthcare have attracted investments in the DTx (Digital Therapeutics) industry. The global DTx market is estimated to grow at 21.6%, from USD 184.5 Million in 2019 to USD 921.3 million in 2027.

Tech Giants like Amazon, Google and Apple use data and analytic capabilities to construct a connected healthcare infrastructure. During the Covid-19 pandemic, digital therapeutics solutions were adopted at an accelerated rate. It helped patient engagement by integrating data across the healthcare landscape. An estimation suggests that up to USD 250 billion of the U.S. healthcare spend could be virtualized because of the faster adoption of digital health technologies due to the pandemic.

It is in your favor to accelerate your clinical research and pharma journey towards DTx and enable end-to-end disease management using the digital therapeutics solution. Hexaware is geared to help you make the most of digital therapeutics by:

  • Providing solutions with patient-centered design to drive behavioral changes and outcomes
  • Maximizing commercial success and obtaining continuous market feedback
  • Designing a winning ROI and reimbursement model

We leverage our user experience design framework, product development accelerators, modern delivery and partnerships for big data and data hosting, digital marketing operation accelerators, and industry partnerships to fast-track the process.

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