Neil Fox in a chat with Siddharth Dhar, Global Head – IMS, Hexaware on effective cloud adoption mechanism to abet seamless work from home

Homes are now our makeshift offices and all the social interactions happen only through devices. Times have truly changed, and how! This uncertain pandemic has changed our priorities, challenges, the way we think, etc. With the adjudication of social distancing, organizations are left with no choice except acclimatizing to the remote work from home option for safety measures.

Most IT organizations do have an arrangement where multiple job functions can work remotely. But with the sudden rearrangement in our daily lives, it can be asserted that no company, irrespective of its technical advancement, was fully prepared for having its 100% workforce operate remotely from home.

Here are a few challenges organizations faced –

  • Technical limitations such as Virtual Private Network (VPN) and Virtual Desktop Interface (VDI) capacity issues
  • Vulnerability in security
  • Void of a physical presence in functions that weren’t designed to be remote. For e.g., employee onboarding
  • Lack of technical know-how for employees working from home leading to a spike in calls to the Service Desk

Listen to the podcast to know-

  • Whether this situation will make people get used to working in isolation and cut-off from their co-workers
  • Whether the present crisis has accelerated an almost irreversible trend
  • How this pandemic will impact the way we design our processes
  • Why is it necessary to migrate to cloud
  • How digitization can help you stay ahead of the game

Siddharth also shares his thoughts on the importance of cloud adoption and how it should be leveraged not only for capability but also for Business Continuity Planning. He believes that technology can be a bridge between the two. It can bring the experience of social contact through very immersive capabilities that we have been building from the past couple of years.
