Navigating a Leading Brewer’s Journey from On-Premises Data Centers to the Cloud for Enhanced Efficiency and Sustainability Navigating a Leading Brewer’s Journey from On-Premises Data Centers to the Cloud for Enhanced Efficiency and Sustainability

Navigating a Leading Brewer’s Journey from On-Premises Data Centers to the Cloud for Enhanced Efficiency and Sustainability

Learn from the cloud transformation journey of a leading global brewer that tackled a complex, fragmented technological landscape to achieve increased operational efficiency and rapid go-to-market times with Hexaware’s Amaze® platform.

Hexaware, recognizing the inherent challenges of data center to cloud migration, translated them into stepping stones by bridging the gap between the client’s disconnected data centers and the cloud. Our unique solution propelled their transformation into an integrated, agile enterprise capable of responding swiftly to market trends. This involved a strategically phased data center migration to the cloud, utilizing automated processes for discovery, assessment, planning, and migration, enabling the brewer to swiftly shift their massive volume of data to the cloud.

Glean valuable insights:

  • Understand how an automated and intelligent platform can help accelerate the process of migrating data centers to the cloud efficiently.
  • Explore how a robust cloud foundation built with Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and CI/CD Pipeline can lay the groundwork for successful cloud adoption.
  • Understand how strategic cost analysis and smart planning can lead to a staggering 60% reduction in overhead costs.
  • Learn how Hexaware’s approach to cloud migration helped the company in reducing its carbon footprint by 70%, setting an example for sustainability in the digital era.
  • Discover how swift and strategic cloud migration can boost go-to-market times by up to 50%.

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