Enhance User Productivity with Guidewire Implementation for Digital Engagement Enhance User Productivity with Guidewire Implementation for Digital Engagement

Enhance User Productivity with Guidewire Implementation for Digital Engagement

Hexaware partnered with a US-based insurance company that provides the best value insurance products and related services to dentists. The client wanted to implement Guidewire CustomerEngage to improve customer experience and deliver self-service.

Hexaware carried out full CE AMP (CustomerEngage Account Management Portal) implementation with a mission to deliver self-service for 70% of the service requests and reduce dependency on the customer service center, enable paperless delivery to reduce annual mailing volume by 50,000 – 70,000 pieces and deliver a cutting-edge digital experience to policyholders. 

The solution delivered the following benefits:

  • Delivered straight-through-processing in Quote and Buy and Claims First Notice of Loss
  • 1000+ hours of manual effort per year saved due to multiple policy payments processed in a single transaction, and 900 hours of manual effort per year saved due to complete online survey responses
  • 30% cost saving due to reduction in calls at the customer service center
  • $75k savings delivered as value-adds and automation benefits using Hexaware’s tools for Guidewire Digital

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